(XP專用)清除系統垃圾加強版 « Marksheu's Blog (XP專用)清除系統垃圾加強版 @echo off echo 正在清除系統垃圾檔案中,請稍候..... del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.log del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.gid del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.chk del /f /s /q ...
James Clear: How to Get Motivated When You Don't Feel Like Exercising You've probably noticed that it's hard to be motivated all the time. No matter what you are working on, there are bound to be days when you don't feel like showing up. There will be workouts that you don't feel like starting. There will be reports that yo
xkcd: Bored with the Internet < Prev Random Next > >| Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/77/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/bored_with_the_internet.jpg ... Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable
xkcd: Python Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced ... BTC 1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey We did not invent the algorithm. The ...
Tech Tips for the Average Joe | This blog is not for the geeks, but for the everyday folks that can Hello folks – I just wanted to apologize that I have not been updating this blog. I am way too busy (have a full time job, and a family with one toddler at that). I also now work on a similar internal private blog these day to help out my friends – I may
ARMIN VAN BUUREN LYRICS - This Is What It Feels Like - A-Z Lyrics This is what it feels like. Nothing to hold but the memories and frames. Oh they remind me of the battle I face without your love, without you I drown. Somebody ...
Armin Van Buuren - This Is What It Feels Like Lyrics | MetroLyrics This is what it feels like. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (x4). Nothing to hold but the memories and frames. Oh they remind me of the battle I face. Without your love, without ...
凌晨三點半: Armin van Buuren – This Is What It Feels Like feat ... 2013年5月2日 ... Armin van Buuren – This Is What It Feels Like feat. Trevor Guthrie (英中歌詞). 最近一直在常收聽的英國電台- Smash Hits! 上播出這一首歌,旋律 ...
Armin van Buuren - This Is What It Feels Like ft. Trevor Guthrie:歌詞 ... Armin van Buuren - This Is What It Feels Like ft. Trevor Guthrie:歌詞+中文翻譯. 0 意見. 收錄在「Intense」專輯內世界頂尖DJ Armin van Buuren 與擁有燦爛 ...
How it Feels [through Google Glass] - YouTube Want to see how Google Glass actually feels? It's surprisingly simple. Say "take a picture" to take a picture. Record what you see, hands free. Even share what you see, live. Directions are right in front of you. Speak to send a message, or translate your